APP for reservations and space management plus integrated home automation
Achieve maximum efficiency in the management of your business or association or sports club, and reduce energy costs and misuse.
From €69 per year!

Easy and simpleto manage
Shift and schedule management
Book in 3 simple steps, limiting capacity or people per shift depending on the level of users.
Different user roles for easy and simple control of permissions and functions within the app.
Limitaciones y rangos
Limitation of capacity per space, ranges of hours of use, usage reports, bonus system.
Payment gateway
Integration with your payment gateway so that your clients can pay you through the app.
Incident cycle
Incident system to improve communication with your users and their resolution.
Gestión de turnos y horarios
Reserva en 3 sencillos pasos, limitando aforos o personas por turno en función del nivel de los usuarios.
Diferentes roles de usuario para un control fácil y sencillo de permisos y funciones dentro de la app.
Limitaciones y rangos
Limitación de aforo por espacio, rangos de horas de uso, informes de uso, sistema de bonos.
Pasarela de Pago
Integración con tu pasarela de pago para que tus clientes puedan pagarte mediante la app.
Ciclo de incidencias
Sistema de incidencias para mejorar la comunicación con tus usuarios y resolución de estas.
Informes de uso
Toda la información sobre tu negocio, asociación o club deportivo a un solo click.
Podemos adaptar la app y la domótica para convertirse en la mejor solución a tu problema.
Integración con domótica
Control de accesos, cerraduras inteligentes, control de temperatura, encendido y apagado de luces, etc.
Repositorio de documentación para tus clientes o usuarios donde poder tener acceso global.
Máxima privacidad
Sistema totalmente adaptado para la privacidad de los usuarios en cumplimiento de la RGPD.
Usage reports
All the information about your business, association or sports club in just one click.
We can adapt the app and home automation to become the best solution to your problem.
Integração com automação residencial
Access control, smart locks, temperature control, turning lights on and off, etc.
Documentation repository for your clients or users where you can have global access.
Maximum privacy
System fully adapted for user privacy in compliance with the RGPD.

Integrated home automation
for spaces
Customized to your needs
- Reduce the energy consumption of your facilities
- Control the entry and exit of your facilities
- Control the noise level
- Manage the temperature of each space
- Control each location in real time
- Connect any IoT control device
They already managetheir spaces
A management softwareManagement software
Achieve maximum efficiency in the management of your business or association or sports club, and reduce energy costs and misuse.

Control totaldesde tu app
Consigue la máxima eficiencia en la gestión de tu negocio o asociación o club deportivo, y reduce los costes energéticos y de mal uso.
You have been able to see us in
Achieve maximum efficiency in the management of your business or association or sports club, and reduce energy costs and misuse.

Request a demo with one of our technicians so they can help you get the full potential of the app and get what you need!